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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Portrait of a Business Man

I feel like I have been extremely busy with my photography lately. I don't know how much of that is truth and how much of that is me being busy thinking about it. I have nearly completed my darkroom, finishing up all the construction just this morning of sealing off cracks, cement, and building a ventilation system as well as a water system. Now, I just have to mix chemicals, organize my working space, and I am set. My Bosnia project is also still quite in the works, but it is consuming nonetheless as well as a new website. I have been doing a lot of projects, but not a lot of shooting. However, I was able to shoot Sam just a little while back. He is a business man out of Orem, working for New Hype and is getting an article published in a Russian business magazine coming up. He came to me to get some headshots done to accompany the article. So, if anyone happens to be reading up on business in Russia sometime soon, perhaps you will see a portrait of this man.

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